Friday, September 6, 2024

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Recognizing the Six Stages of Fasting

There are six stages of fasting and what changes take place in the body in each stage. The importance of fasting has been discussed...

The ACTUAL Justification for Coffee Drinking

In this video, I will share some of the benefits of coffee. If you wake up and drink a cup of coffee, your health...

DRINK ONE CUP OF GARLIC WATER DAY to Prevent Strokes and Heart Attacks

Today I will share with you some such useful information in this video which is related to heart health and lessons. It is very...

How to Stop (Nicotine, Alcohol, & Drugs) Addictions

Today I am going to give you very important information which will make it very easy to give up your cigarettes, drugs, nicotine, alcohol...

How to Quickly Grow Thick, Long Eyelashes!

Today I will talk about which glands are required in our body to grow eyelashes thick and long and I will talk about the...

What Is Insulin Resistance?

In this video, I will answer a very frequently asked question: What is insulin resistance? In simple words, it is a defense mechanism of...

The True Cause of Hypertension, or High Blood Pressure

Today in this video, I will talk about hypertension, or high blood pressure. The medical term used for this is hypertension, one of which...