Friday, July 5, 2024

Best Motivational Books for High School Students


Best motivational books for high school students is an interesting topic, but before we go ahead, it is necessary to understand what motivation is, why we need it, how we can stay motivated and how we can create motivational thinking.

So motivation is much more like a process that establishes, shows, and maintains a goal-seeking behavior. Motivation includes biological, spiritual, social, and emotional forces that trigger our behavior. That is the most suitable definition of motivation.

Another question is why we need it, Let me answer this question. If we do not have any goals in life so we become lazy and we do not show interest in any matter of life. It is better to say that we became an interest less person. At that point, we need motivation because motivation helps us to take action and make us do something in our life. It helps to improve our efficiency and ability towards our goals. It makes us feel that our lives in our control.

And another question that can arise in our minds how we can stay motivated. It just quite simple always remember your goals, remember your achievements, what you were, what you are, and what you have to be. If you keep running these things in your mind, then you will stay motivated.

How we can create motivational thinking, to answer this question I am writing this article. By the way, there are many strategies for this purpose, but the suitable strategy is reading motivational books. As you know books have their world and when we read these books, then we feel this fictional world. And if you are a student and searching for motivational books, then it is the icing on the cake because in student life we are full of energy and want to do something. So the student age is a perfect time to motivate yourself.

In a previous article, I discuss Best Self-help Books To Read In Your 20s. Now I am telling you about some best motivational books for high school students.

Best Self-help Books To Read In Your 20s

You can win

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This book is written by the Indian novelist Shiv Khera. It may be a traditional self-help book but one thing that increases the weight of this book and that is this book has the ability to reach everyone. Because the language which is used in this book is quite simple, even an English familiar person can also understand it. This book contains very powerful ideas. Moreover, every page of this book consists of point-making paragraphs. Actually, this book focuses on that, how you can achieve your victory under personal growth with a positive view.

The willpower Instinct 

The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It

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This book is written by Kelly McGonigal, who is a psychology expert. In this book, Kelly tries to focus on that, how we can get strong willpower. Because she believes that insufficient will power is the main obstacle between us and our success. This book is the masterpiece of Kelly as a practical handbook to develop strong willpower. If you properly implement the mentioned techniques and strategies, then you can easily learn, how to mold ourselves and our feelings into a desirable form.  This book will provide you an ample opportunity to change your lifestyle.

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner

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Afghan novelist Khaled Hosseini is a writer of This book. This is one of the best books that can leave a deep positive impact on your life. It can change your views about different aspects of life. This book is about the friendship of two friends, Amir and Sohrab, who suffered from striking and heart-breaking tragic drama. In this book, he explained that how much our childhood injuries can leave a deep impact on our life. Amir is the main character of this novel. In this novel, you will learn how Amir faces his fear and challenges. And how he changed his life and the life of his friend Sohrab.

Getting to Yes with Yourself

Getting to Yes with Yourself: (And Other Worthy Opponents)

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This book is written by American author William Ury, who is an anthropologist. The main purpose of this book is to teach you how you can reach the main competitor of your life and how to deal with competitive conditions. This book will give you many new ideas and much interesting advice to understand yourself. By reading this book, your way of observation will be changed. And you start observing a lot of things with new views and opinions.

Life of Pi

Life of Pi

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Yann Martel is a writer of This book. This book is the masterwork of Yann Martel because this book has won a lot of prizes and in some countries, this book is known as a best seller book. So this book is about a little boy named pi and how he survived for a long time with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker on a single lifeboat.

The adventurous journey of Pi and Richard Parker is amazing. While reading this book you will see how Pi solves and manage his problems, how he faced his fears and he never gives up. Even when there is no hope, he remains in the quest to survive. The special thing about this book is that it keeps you attached to it. This book will teach you about the deep lesson and that is if you never give up, you will surely succeed one day.



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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is the writer of This book. It is a great novel that has a great story of different interesting characters. This book will change the way of your thinking and observations. This book revolves around inequality, human rights, and different aspects of racism.

Thinking Fast and Slow

Thinking, Fast and Slow

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This book is written by Israeli author Daniel Kahneman, who is a professional economist and psychologist. He is also a noble prize winner because of his mysterious and thoughtful books. This book is revolving around conscious and unconscious structures. This book explains all aspects of consciousness, unconscious, and subconscious mind states. In this book, the writer explains how our fast and slow thinking affects our decisions. And he shares some strategies to get a strong decision power.

Bottom Line:

The purpose of this article is to provide information about some best motivational books to our high school students. Because in this age we are full of energy. And if we stay motivated in this energetic era of life so it will be very easy to achieve the desired goals.

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