Sunday, September 8, 2024

Are You Drinking Water For Skin Glow? Try Homemade Vitamin Water


Are you drinking water for skin glow? Do you drink plenty of water every day? A grown-up’s human body holds 60% water, and blood contains 90% water. Drinking water provides benefits the entire body in many ways. From stopping acne to flush out toxins, water is a magical drink!

If you don’t drink enough water, your skin will become dry and peeling. Dry skin is more disposed to age spots and lines. Because you lose water daily as sweat and pee, you have to replenish the lost water to keep the skin hydrated.

Water and your skin glow

People are drinking water for skin glow. Because the skin is made up of water and cells. Human skin wants natural hormones, liquids, and certain types of nutrients, which make the skin glow. In addition, all of these components are made in the stomach during digestion. Water carries all fluids and products from the abdomen to the skin and other parts of the body. After this process, your skin gets the right amount of nutrients, hormones, and fluids to brighten the skin. In addition, water is the best choice for treating all acne problems, infections, and chronic diseases. People are drinking water for skin glow.  If you have scars and wrinkles, you need to drink a lot of water to get rid of these problems. Carrying water with you is a great way to improve your appearance.

How much Water Should I Drink for Glowing Skin?

It is a well-known expression that Drinking 8 glasses of clean water will change your well-being and life. In fact, it is a real consideration because water is the only fluid that can cure many diseases and maintain good health. Women and men should drink 1 gallon of water every day that will provide them miraculous health features and benefits.

Homemade Vitamin Water for glowing skin

In my own experience, drinking a bottle of homemade vitamin water helps my unbalanced and acne-prone skin look glowing and clean. Although I regularly drink the recommended amount of water, I also add a bottle of this vitamin water to my daily hydrating routine. If you also want to use this home remedy, you can follow the steps below.

Here are some recipes of homemade vitamin water for skin glow. I like the taste of all this vitamin water! You should also try these amazing recipes.

Strawberry Water with Rosemary Raspberry and Lime

Similarly, as the name proposes, to make this homemade vitamin water recipe. If you have never drunk strawberry water, you won’t be dissatisfied.


  • 3,4 slices of strawberries
  • 1/4 cup of raspberries
  • 2, 3 twigs of Rosemary
  • 2 cups of water

Mix all of these ingredients in a jug and store them in the refrigerator.

Orange, Blueberry Water with Rosemary

If you also love blueberries, this vitamin water recipe is for you. Because they love blueberries, and they always never care to refill. This orange-filled water will keep you revitalized and hydrated! 


  • 1/4 cup of blueberries
  • 3, 4 slices of orange
  • 1,2 Sprigs of Fresh rosemary
  • 2 cups of water

Mix all of these ingredients in a jug and store them in the refrigerator.

Lemon, kiwi, Rosemary, and cucumber water

Well, those who love healthy food, I personally think that everyone should put cucumber in their home vitamin water, why not? Cucumbers can help improve your skin inside and out. I like the cool effect or soothing effect of cucumber and kiwi. You should also try this recipe for vitamin water. It can also help you sleep better!


  • 2 kiwis, peeled and chopped
  •  4 – 5 pieces of fresh cucumber
  • 1 lemon slice
  • a sprig of fresh rosemary
  • 2 cups of water

Mix all of these ingredients in a jug and store them in the refrigerator.

Strawberry, Mint, with Lemon

Strawberries with mint and lemonade are one of my favorite, fresh and fruity! This vitamin water recipe helps the body flush out toxins and relax muscles. Also, this drink is without sugar, which is exactly what the body needs!


  • 3 – 4 strawberry sliced
  • 1,2 slices of lemon
  • some leaves of fresh mint
  • 2 cups of water

Mix all of these ingredients in a jug and store them in the refrigerator.

Lemon Cucumber water with Rosemary and Mint

A combination of drinking water for skin glow also stimulates healthy skin, aids digestion, and can increase energy! All about cucumber is unbelievable, and it’s good for health! Similarly, I decided to use two different herbs, mint and rosemary; you can use only one! Relatively speaking, you can replace lemons with lime for a refreshing experience.


  •  4 – 5 pieces of fresh cucumber
  •  2 slices of lemon
  • 1 Spring of Rosemary
  • 1 mint sprig
  • 2 cups of water

Mix all of these ingredients in a jug and store them in the refrigerator.

Useful tips for the best homemade vitamin water 

Let it Stay Overnight

Let the fruit release its flavor! So, letting your homemade vitamin water stay overnight will give it plenty of time to flavor the water!

Fill-up Throughout the Day

To keep yourself hydrated at the end of the day Keep filling up your jar. Enjoy the full benefits of drinking water for skin glow.

Use the Fruit of your Choice

Use fruits and herbs of your choice, and also add other flavors you may not be used to.

Ice Cooling

Put your vitamin water bottle or jug in the refrigerator to cool. Or, you can add ice cubes to cool it.

Enjoy with Flavors

BlackBerry is also worth trying another Berry. Mango is another great fruit that you can use to cleanse your skin by adding it to the infused water. Also, mesh your fruits before adding them into a jug to release flavors.

Shake the jug 

Shake the jug or jar before drinking! This will help the fruits to release some extra flavor.

Benefits of homemade vitamin Water for the Skin

Improve skin Tone

Drinking water for the skin’s glow will also help your body get rid of toxins. Studies show that drinking just two glasses of water raises blood flow to the skin, which also even tone your skin.

Healing Fast

If you are exposed to the sun and got sunburnt, drinking water can speed up the healing process.

Prevent Premature Aging

Maintaining moisture helps improve the elasticity of the skin as it can stay in moisture longer. Increasing skin elasticity means delaying the skin and fine lines and wrinkles will not appear prematurely.

Reduce Puffiness

When the skin feels puffy, it actually retains moisture to prevent dehydration. This happens when you do not drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated reduces swelling and numbness of the face.

Prevent Pimples

Drinking plenty of water balances the amount of oil and water on the skin of the face. It helps prevent extra oil and sebum creation, thus reducing clogged pores and acne. Due to a busy lifestyle and lack of moisture, adult acne is becoming more common nowadays. One study found that 4-6 out of 100 people in the 20-40 age group suffer from adult acne.

No Longer Itchiness

Dry skin is always itchy. Due to the lack of moisture, it can also form dry flakes and cracks. Drink enough water to make sure your skin is not itchy.

Tighten the Skin

Due to unexpected weight loss, your skin may start to droop. Drinking water for skin glow also helps prevent skin abrasions and tighten stretched marks such as the upper arm, thighs, back, and chin. Drinking vitamin water helps restore skin elasticity.

Water keeps your body warm and regulates your body temperature. At the point when your body warms up because of the climate or active work, drinking bunches of vitamin water guarantees that your skin doesn’t get boiled and flaky.

Stimulates a Healthy Gut

Water consumption helps maintain a healthy gut and facilitates proper digestion. It regulates the movements of your intestines and removes toxins from the body through pee and the face. Just when this process is fine and your gut is healthy, your skin will be clean and problem-free.

Maintain your PH. Balance

Sensitive, acne-prone skin, or skin-like problems caused by various issues, water can restore skin health. If you drink vitamin water enough to balance your body’s pH, your skin will be radiant and healthy.

Are you drinking water for skin glow? Try all the above recipes for clean, radiant, and acne-free skin.

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